bild Individual Employment Law

Individual Employment Law

Excellent contract drafting and design satisfy the highest and very individual demands, including mechanisms to adjust to flexibility and integration in your Employer Branding. We review and draft service agreements and employment contracts, pre-formulated contractual components (General Terms and Conditions of Business) and sensitive special provisions e.g. for variable remuneration and working time models, home office (“Employment Law 4.0“), working time accounts, competition prohibitions, incentives, stock options and other forms of employee participation. We provide support in the course of hiring and clarify with you all legal questions arising within existing employment e.g. in connection with equal treatment, minimum wages, employee data protection, dismissal with the offer of new conditions, warnings, special payments, severe disability, maternity leave, parental and carer leave, continuous payment of remuneration and reintegration in case of illness (BEM), employee secondment or providing/leasing workers. We find the optimal solutions even for the ending of an employment contract, for old-age part-time working or pre-retirement provisions and cases of special protection against dismissal, mass dismissals, transfers of undertaking and outsourcing. As specialists, we support you in official proceedings e.g. engaging freelancers, leased workers or EU foreigners, in work safety and other employment administrative law questions and employment subsidies.

All areas of expertise